I was having some issues and tried to solve by deleting all of my tools, nodes and object starting over with only my image target. I’ve deleted them in the app and on the edge server interface, restarted the server and toolbox app, but when I open it and click the Programming button, the nodes associated with the deleted tools still appear, and there is no option to delete them; if I click and hold there’s no trash can as there was for the tools themselves. How can I remove them?
Nodes are part of a virtual or physical tool. You have to remove the virtual or physical tool to remove the nodes. I believe in your case the nodes belong to a physical tool. Since I see brightness it might be a hue light.
If it is a physical hue light, the nodes are generated by your hardware interface. You need to turn off your hardware interface, to remove these nodes.
Makes sense (yes, I’m using Hue). Thanks Valentin!