Targets on the wall/ceiling

@Takaaki @alinashah @Emun13 regarding the ground plane registering on the wrong position / wrong height:
The registration of the ground plane happens during the first frames that the app is turned on. This process can sometimes go wrong and the ground plane can get registered in the wrong position/height We are working on improving this feature with visual feedback and reset functionalities.

The creation of a world object with an image target will greatly improve the tracking of the space. If you create a World Object via the browser interface, the Ground Plane (floor surface) will snap to it when the phone ā€˜seesā€™ that target and it will be forever locked to that position as the floor origin.
This is not necessary but can greatly improve accuracy if needed.

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@anna Iā€™ve tried your tips and now Iā€™m able to successfully connect the button to the checkpoints. Now Iā€™m just having the issue with the button shaking all over the screen and when I am able to click the green button, the robot doesnā€™t move.

@Emun13 I have requested access to the file you sent cause I cannot see it.

Does the robot connect properly? Once the server is on, when you press the physical button on the boost, does the LED turn blue? Do you see the isRobotConnected variable in the Manage Hardware Interfaces page set to green?
Let me know

Oops sorry about that, I just open the access so you are able to view it. And yes I am able to connect the robot properly to the vuforia edge server through my terminal. When I go to my localhost I can see the button that I added through the app, but the button is very jittery and when I am able to click the green button, the robot does not move.

ah I see.
You donā€™t have to connect the checkpoints between them. They are part of the path and the server already deals with the path planning logic. The only thing you need to do is connect the digital switch to the first checkpoint in order to activate the path.
When you activate the switch, the first checkpoint will activate and the robot will move towards it.
When the robot reaches the first checkpoint, the second checkpoint should activate automatically.
And so on until the end of the path.

Try this and let me know your results.

About the jittering:
Your image target seems to not have a lot of contrast. I am curious, what tracking rating do you get when creating the target in the Vuforia Developer Portal? (Should be between 1 to 5 starts).
This could be causing the tracking jitter when adding the button to the robot target.

So I just checked and my image target gets 5 stars. I also tried your other recommendation and it seems like the checkpoints start to highlight and turn a dark blue-ish color as if the robot is moving from location to location. However, my robot does not actually move.

ah that is good that it has 5 stars!
So that makes me think that maybe it is related to the specified size of the target in the Vuforia Developer Portal. Can you make sure the specified value correlates with the real value of the target?
The units are in meters, so this target should be about 0.1 or something similar.
Having a wrong value on the image target size could also be causing jittering.

About the robot not moving, can you post an image of your terminal logs?

@anna I adjusted the image on the Developer Portal and the button is still jittery sadly. Also, this is the terminal log that I get (after this it just keeps printing out ā€œ2020-06-17T14:37:54.731Z - debug: 0ā€:

@Emun13 can you check that the robot is configured properly through the Manage Hardware Interfaces page on the browser? Following the info on the ā€˜Configure robotā€™ section of the tutorial:

Good information thanks for sharing

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