Problems compiling the iOS app?

If you run into any errors or questions when trying to compile the Xcode project, please post them here or as a separate topic. Chances are high that someone else has the same question or will run into the same problem in the future.

One common error I run into looks like this: You get a long list of errors saying “Undefined symbol: Vuforia::(symbol name)”

The likely problem: You are probably trying to build for the iOS simulator rather than for a plugged-in iOS device. Click the drop-down near the build button and select your device. Vuforia.framework doesn’t work on the simulator.

Also double-check that your Vuforia.framework is placed in the root of your project (in the same directory as your Vuforia Spatial Toolbox.xcodeproj and Vuforia Spatial Toolbox.xcworkspace files)

If you are building for a device, not the simulator, and you see a message about a specific Vuforia header file not found, that probably means you forgot to add the Vuforia.framework to your project, or you didn’t put it in the right place.

And if you see an error message about “vuforiaKey.h not found”, or “use of undeclared identifier vuforiaKey”, that means you either forgot to add the vuforiaKey.h file in the right place, or you formatted its contents incorrectly. Refer to the iOS project readme for what this file should look like.