Logic Block Options

As I have made new logic blocks (or/subtract), it seems as though only 24 show up at a time on the screen. When I added a 25th block option within the logic block, it would not show up even when I scrolled down. Where can I edit the code to have all of the blocks appear?

Hi @alinashah the toolbox has an adaptive mechanism to load logic blocks. Without any edge server the toolbox has around 24 blocks by default.

When the toolbox is pointed at an object hosted by an edge server, the toolbox will automatically update its logic block selection to those logic blocks available within the server hosting your object. This way you can make sure, that your server is capable of processing the displayed logic block program.

What you can do:
Create a new World Object in your server. Once the toolbox detects the target for your world object, your toolbox will fall back to the world saved in your server (for the duration of your session), and therefore you should see your logic block. The same goes for any object stored in your edge server. Once the toolbox sees the object, all logic blocks from the hosting edge server become instantly visible.

The fall back mechanism goes like this: Nearby Edge Server Object > Nearby Edge Server World Object > Toolbox Default Object > Toolbox Default World Object

I added a World Object to my server, however when I open the logic node 24 of my blocks appear, however the last one (25th), a while block, does not come up. Do you have any other suggestions about what I could do?

@alinashah, to clarify: you were able to add some new logic blocks that appear in the menu, correct? (I see the “if/else” and “or” blocks) But specifically adding more than 24 runs into problems?

This may be a bug in the toolbox. I can add it as a GitHub issue and look into it if you confirm that this is the current behavior you’re experiencing.

Yes that is exactly the problem. Since I’ve added more than 24 blocks, only the first 24 appear.

Ok, thanks for the details! I’ve added to our bug tracker and I’ll follow up as soon as we have a fix.

The resulting code is likely in this file but to test it you’d need to re-compile the app using Xcode after making changes. Setting up that environment takes some time and additional knowledge about the system – I already have everything set up, so I can look into it for you.

Actually I spotted the bug as soon as I took a closer look at that file:

var menuCols = 4;
var menuRows = 6;

The grid of blocks was originally hard-coded to contain exactly 24 blocks, and by chance we never added more than that at once. I can modify so that the size of the menu isn’t pre-defined.

It would be amazing if that part could be modified. Is there any way I can change that code within my files?

I just fixed the issue! It will be available in the next app version.

In the future, if you want to modify this part of the code for your app (and you’re working on a Mac with Xcode installed) you can follow the instructions on the README of https://github.com/ptcrealitylab/vuforia-spatial-toolbox-ios. This will let you build and run a customized version of the app on your iPhone. You can change any behavior and add all sorts of new features (but it requires some deep knowledge of the system to figure out how).

Thank you for the help and for fixing the issue! Do you know approximately when the next app version will be available?

Its currently waiting for approval from Apple. I guess a day or two.

@alinashah the Spatial Toolbox in the app-store is now at 1.2.3 and has the changes you need. Let us know how it works for you.